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Love Learning Languages  

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Newborn babies 

Our gentle, sensory classes for newborn babies encourage relaxation and bonding, and are suitable for babies from 4 weeks old through to when they’re able to sit unaided. 
Familiar songs and rhymes, in both English and French, Spanish, Italian or German, are accompanied by gentle movements designed to soothe your little one, help them stretch, release trapped wind and find relief from teething and colic; as well as helping to stimulate the development of fine and gross motor skills. 
Our baby classes for our littlest learners combine music, snuggly puppet characters, colourful props, mesmerising lights and stimulating sounds with elements of baby yoga, massage and baby-signing – all of which results in a lovely sensory experience for both of you. 
Our classes are always sociable and a great way to get to know other like-minded parents. In fact many great friendships began in a BilinguaSing baby French, Spanish, German or Italian language class! 
You can see a full Baby Spanish class below and meet our founder, Ellie! 

 So to start your sensory language learning journey, just click here to find your nearest class, or book your trial class today!   

Book your trial class 

The BilinguaSing story